Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why blog when you can Vlog?

Mefeedia just realized there first "State of the Vlogosphere" report which found that the size of its index gre to 20,913 Video blog in January 2007 from just 617 in January 2005.

Go Vlogs! with the rise of Youtube people around the country are uploading great vblogs. You know the motto of the Internet "The more the Marier" Vlogs are cool. the add the visual element to lameo bloggers who just a create a little text with a few links. here are a few examples of vlogs Atlas Shrugs.com she talks about everything from the new HPV vaccine to the New democratic congress

to the New democratic congress

of you can watch the vlog Ask a ninja answer random questions about thinks like net Neutrality for example.

Vlogs are just as good as blogs only better because they have visual matter. When it includes what the journalists did and what they saw and experienced it can be very informative. When it is just a guy talking into a web camera you think I could do that. I could do that if I was not typing this blog out on a stupid MA. Damn you Steve Jobs and you huge ego!!!

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