Now that Second Life logged its 1 millionth registered "resident" media companies like Wired and CNET are actually buying virtual property in the virtual world to host events there.
Reporter Adam Pasick has been assigned to head Reuters virtual bureau under the Avatar name Adam Reuters. Reuters has also created a special website for SL in fact there hiring. If only I had send the last six months on Second Life going instead of the last 2 years trying to get my master degree in Journalism I could have a job reporting for Reuters by now.

Adam Reuter
I think that Second Life has been getting just a little to much hype recently for media organizations and presidential candidates like John Edwards. One day in the not to distance future like five years virtual worlds like Second Life will have a lot of people regularly checking in on them and caring more about their Second Life then their First Life. Today only Adam Pasick is dumb enough to do that because Reuters is actually paying him.
anyway in five years when more people can afford high speed Internet, and the pin heads that created Second Life figure out how all the glitches that slow the virtual world down Journalists should write about Second Life on a regular basis. We do not need a bureau at a time when so many bureau in First Life Earth are being cut to lower costs at major media organizations.
Second Life will check on, the WarCraft virtual world already has 6.5 million registered users but not until a few things change.
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